Day 26 of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu commenced with the continuation of the Gala Night event, where contestants showcased their unique talents and performances. The competition was fierce, as each participant aimed to secure a place as a contender for the coveted Power Astra, granting them immunity for four weeks within the Bigg Boss house. This day brought forth a mix of entertainment, emotions, and challenges as the housemates engaged in memorable conversations and faced off in a task to determine the fourth Power Astra recipient.
Gala Night Performances
The Gala Night event, initiated on the previous day, featured outstanding performances by the contestants. Pallavi Prashanth, Tasty Teja, Priyanka, and Prince Yawar had already left their mark with their stellar acts. On Day 26, the remaining contestants, Subha Shree, Gautham Krishna, Amardeep, and Rathika, took the stage.
Subha Shree, dressed as ‘Roti Rani,’ graced the stage with her performance. Hosts Sandeep and Shoba Shetty added a touch of humor to the act, creating an entertaining atmosphere. Following her act, Gautham Krishna, known as ‘G Man,’ showcased his unique dressing style and put on a commendable performance.
Amardeep’s act left the audience in awe as he transformed himself, half-boy, half-girl, complete with a beard and girl’s hairstyle. Rathika, donning a Punjabi man’s look, delivered a captivating performance. The Gala Night event primarily aimed to determine the third finalist for Power Astra, a ticket to four weeks of immunity from nominations.
Selecting the Best Performer
After the Gala Night performances concluded, Bigg Boss assigned the task of choosing the best performer to Shivaji, Shoba Shetty, and Sandeep. The decision was not easy, as each contestant had brought their unique charm to the stage. After a deep discussion, they unanimously selected Subha Shree as the best performer of the Gala Night event.
Amardeep, however, expressed his disagreement with the decision and sought feedback from the judges, questioning why Subha Shree was chosen over him. Shivaji, Shoba Shetty, and Sandeep explained that they appreciated Subha Shree’s performance and entertainment, which led to their decision.
Heartfelt Memories and Emotional Conversations
Following the Gala Night event, Bigg Boss gathered all the housemates in the garden area and encouraged them to share unforgettable memories that brought laughter to their hearts. While relishing cookies, the contestants shared their cherished moments, creating a light-hearted atmosphere within the house.
One of the most touching moments of the day unfolded during an emotional conversation between Prince Yawar and Shoba Shetty. As Prince Yawar diligently cleaned the kitchen, he opened up to Shoba Shetty about his journey to Bigg Boss. He revealed that he had struggled financially before the show, having had to buy clothes using his brother’s earnings. This revelation moved Shoba Shetty deeply, and she found Prince Yawar’s story truly inspirational.
The Power Astra Challenge
Bigg Boss then announced a task to determine the three contenders for Power Astra, offering them four weeks of immunity. The chosen contestants were Prince Yawar, Subha Shree, and Pallavi Prashanth. The task involved holding a circular-shaped Power Astra with three holding holes for as long as possible. The contestant who could endure the longest would be declared the winner and join the elite group of Power Astra holders.
However, in a surprising turn of events, all three contestants demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience, resulting in a tie. To break the deadlock, Bigg Boss introduced a new task. In this task, the participants were required to balance the Power Astra on a stick. After a fierce battle, Pallavi Prashanth emerged victorious, becoming the fourth recipient of the Power Astra in the Bigg Boss 7 Telugu house.
Day 26 of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu was marked by the thrilling Gala Night event, emotional conversations, and a challenging task to determine the Power Astra recipient. Subha Shree’s outstanding performance earned her the title of the best performer, while Prince Yawar’s touching story of perseverance touched the hearts of the housemates. In the end, Pallavi Prashanth secured the coveted Power Astra, granting him immunity for four weeks. As the days in the Bigg Boss house continue, tensions and alliances are sure to evolve, making for an exciting journey ahead.